To explain why I am starting this.
I recently began reading other blogs and while I enjoy the insight into these families lives. I am beginning to realize the value of the history that is being recorded and will be enjoyed after all the toys are gone, temper tantrums are outgrown, and the spontaneous declarations of, "Mommy, I love you" are no longer being yelled from the other room.
I have never been good at keeping a journal or writing a diary but this will be my attempt of recording history for G-man. So, when he is 17 and I am not his favorite person or when he has a family of his own he will be able to share more of his childhood with those who are important to him. I was talking with co-workers at lunch yesterday and the discussion turned to journals so when they are gone their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren have something to remember them by, this is my attempt of keeping history alive...