Sunday, January 5, 2014



Wow, I am so over midwest winters. The only  thing  worse than dealing with cold, winds, snow/rain. Is dealing with the elements on crutches. I know it could be worse but that doesn't mean it is easy. I really just wish for good weather again, I promise I will appreciate the good weather when it finally returns.

Winter Coats ~ When I found a really good deal on Grant's winter coat I probably should have thought about getting a coat or myself. The last time I purchased a winter coat for myself was in 1996! Seriously, now it was a really nice ski jacket that held the test of time but still it's time for a new one.

Monday + Hump Day + Friday - Wrapped into One Day ~  It was teacher record day this past Friday. I quickly accepted snow days are intended for student safety, teacher days go on as scheduled. I was glad to be back but I still have a lot to do before the 2nd semester begins. There is also the big question of whether we will have school tomorrow or even Tuesday due to the weather.  A couple of days ago it was really looking like we were going to get hit with really bad weather, now it looks like we may just be a little south of the storm. Hopefully, for the sake of our long spring break we can get by with just a 2 hour delay but then again I am kind of hoping for a snow day or two. I woke up this morning worrying about Curriculum Mapper and that I haven't even begun to get mine together for the new reading class that I teach. It's hard to create a curriculum map with the minimal materials I have for the class and the fact that the direction of the class is always changing because the class is driven by the students needs not so much a hard core outline. You see I teach high school special education, my reading class has high school kids who read on a 2-4 grade reading level. Their individual needs are so "splintered" and I find I am regularly changing the direction of the class to try to keep up with their needs. I guess to solve the curriculum map dilemma I will just use the Reading Recipe book I use and let my lesson plans explain the changes...

Cleaning ~ In my last posted I mentioned I wanted/needed to clean out drawers, closets, and cabinets. Today, I spent some time cleaning up the "pit" in our house, otherwise known as my bedroom. My bedroom isn't perfect but at least it is better than it has been in a long time. I have a bad habit of letting my bedroom become the dumping ground for anything I don't know what to do with or when we are expecting company and I have 5 minute to clean the house. Am I the only one that does this?  I have yet to work on any other part of the house.

Surgery/ Doctor ~ I have a dr. appointment tomorrow with my knee surgeon. I am hoping he lets me starting "walking" again. I am allowed to walk stiff legged just as long as I don't bend my knee. I still wear my brace and use crutches most of the time but I can walk with the crutches. While this method of walking is better than not being allowed to walk and at first it was great but now I find my hips and back are hurting. I think/know I am hurting especially at night because my body is out of whack from the awkward movements I use to get around, especially at home.

Until next time ....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year ~ New Start ~ New Direction

A new year often brings new resolutions. Resolutions that I usually forget all about by the end of the first week of the new year. This year I want to do things differently than I have in the past. I am going to make a bullet list of my personal goals.  The goals will be small and hopefully I can keep them up and not revert back to my old ways.
  • House Organization ~ Clean out 1 new drawer, closet, cabinet, nook, or cranny each day. This should only take me about 15 minutes per day. My house is cleaner than it has ever been (on the surface) and now the cluttered drawers and junk that is shoved away is absolutely driving me bat crazy.  

  • Exercise ~ Exercise 15-20 minutes a day.  I am currently on crutches and have been for the last 6 1/2 weeks due to knee surgery. They say, "You don't know what your missing until you lose it." I MISS moving my body. I didn't exercise much in the last couple of years but before that I was always active and enjoyed exercise. The sedentary lifestyle has really been tough on my body and I have gained a LOT of weight. For the time being my main goals are to do my physical therapy and getting off these stinking crutches!  I want to feel healthy and strong again.

  • Money ~ I need to be more active in saving money for rainy days, a new car, savings in general, etc.... I am a single parent and I do not receive child support for my son. I do ok with money, just not great. I love to travel and go out to dinner with friends. Those two activities definitely cause a dent in my budget.    

  • Dating ~ Meet men! That's what I need to do. It seems like a fairly simple plan. I mean, I don't have to marry the first man I meet but I do need to meet men. I don't go out much. After working all day as a teacher, tutoring 5-6 hours a week after school, being a parent, and then bar-tending 1 night out of the weekend; I don't have time or the energy to go out meet new people. Even when I have the energy I have to find somewhere for my son to go so I can go out...gee, I wonder why I stay home so much. :-(  
Let's see what the next few weeks bring in regards to my goals. 
