Sunday, July 18, 2010

Amazing News

A good friend of mine has struggled with infertility for years (I think about 7.) They have tried just about every type of fertility treatment possible. Most of the treatments were not covered by insurance. The experience took a tole on their marriage, friendships (she began to seclude herself from her lifelong friends), and not to mention their life savings.

They were extremely frustrated because they had basically been told there was no possible way she would become pregnant even with reproductive help. Nor would her body accept the development of a growing fetus. Last summer they began to accept their fate and began the process of private adoption. Again, a very expensive measure in their quest to become parents.

Earlier this summer a birth mother tried to scam them but fortunately the adoption agency knew about this lady and warned them.

Well, guess what!?!? You guessed it! She is pregnant. She is 10 weeks pregnant and in shock. She doesn't understand why her body finally decided to work the way it was designed but we are so extremely excited!

I am holding my breath until she makes it into the 2nd trimester because we all know the chance of miscarriage decreases dramatically after 12 weeks. When she called to tell me about the baby I had goose bumps and cried. I am so happy for them and I feel like I will get my friend "back." If that makes sense. Does that make sense?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Slowly Returning to Normal

Well, it has been 3 days since the unfortunate events occurred. I am still on edge in the evening. Yesterday I noticed I was ok until 8:30 p.m. Then I was jumpy again. I hope this subsides soon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Accidents Happen :-(

Wednesday started out like any other summer day. We went swimming at my parents house with family and then I went to dinner with my cousin. We had a nice time talking and catching up. I came home to an empty house because G-Man was spending the night at my parents house. I decided to look up some information on recycling in my area (our area is WAY behind the recycling trend.) About 30 minutes after I arrived home my TV was on, the doors and windows were shut because the AC is on, I had a fan on, and I was searching the Internet. I heard some noise on my porch, as I realized it was my neighbor, she walked in, what she said next will never be forgotten. "Don't you hear that?" She then went on to explain a friend who is on the fire department had called her and said there was a possible drowning on our road. When I looked outside there were a half dozen emergency vehicles at my neighbors house. I was frantic. I found my phone (in case my parents called because they heard of the drowning.)

We walked across the street to find several fireman carefully searching the pond while friends were hysterical on the shore. It was heart wrenching, then the brother and parents of the missing boy arrived. That was the hardest thing I have ever witnessed. Every couple of minutes more people from the EMT's or fire department came. Eventually, what felt like an eternity water rescue arrived. However, I knew by the amount of time that had passed and how the water rescue, EMT's, and fireman were reacting this was no longer a rescue but the recovery of a body. After a short period of time we came back to my yard and gathered with our other neighbors and waited. It was horrible. Finally, an hour or so later they found the young man who had went in the water but never came up was recovered.

I did not know the young man, I know people who did and they all said he was a great guy. I have had a hard time with these events. I have a hard time being in my house at night now. I don't like taking the dogs out of the house at night to let them go to the bathroom.
I know it is from the events that occurred but it has me shaken. I don't know why I am so spooked. The drowning was an unfortunate accident but not a violent crime. Why, am I feeling this way? I would expect to feel more threatened if it had been a crime but accidents happen.

I can't even imagine how the friends are feeling who were swimming with the young man are handling this. I can't imagine the heartache the parents are feeling. I don't know how the family who owns the property and pond where the accident occurred are feeling.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Feeling Lonely

Hmm, At this point this blog thing seems a little lonely as it is a one person party for the time being.

Anyhoo, Today, We visited with friends who were visiting from Arizona. We enjoyed the time and G-Man had a blast with my friend's 10 year old son. This was a bittersweet visit. You see my high school friend brought his new (live in) girlfriend. I hate to say it but I just don't see the chemistry or connection. In addition he is a divorced dad with 2 kids and no interest in having more kids. She has never been married and does not have children. She REALLY wants to have a child. I feel like she is "barking up the wrong tree." I really feel she is gaga for him but he is just settling. I hope they figure it all out before either of them invest more time

Just for the record G-Man was fantastic today and I had a lot of fun with him.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Trying this again...

I can't believe that I originally started the blog a year ago, made one post, and never went back to post again. My life is basically the same but I have done a lot of soul searching and learned that I need to reach outside of my comfort zone. I need to look at the reasons why I do what I do. I have read a lot of different blogs and I have begun to understand the therapeutic value of pouring out your feelings and thoughts to "strangers." I hope to join the blog world and make friends with people with similar concerns and triumphs in life.

So, what am I concerned with in my life?

* Single parenting, where is the balance in my romantic life and protecting my son (and myself) from the heartbreak of relationships?

* Why do I continue to be overweight, especially when I was formally a successful athlete?

* Do I experience some depression? If I do, is it the key to the lack of motivation I have?